Birth of Itt8ksavillage, LLC
An employer-sponsored health and wellness incentive plan was my entry point to better health and wellness in 2013. It began with a biometric screening which provided a baseline that included blood sugar, blood pressure , BMI (body mass index), height, weight, and cholesterol readings. A (green/healthy score) resulted in prizes and health premium discounts. Ever the calculating optimist, I thoroughly reviewed the plan and developed a process for participants to reach the top-tiered Vitality Platinum 10,000-point status and maximum insurance discount.
The 10K point plan was simple: Accumulate 10K steps per day (at least 5 days per week), run/walk/jog in at least one monthly 5K event (as part of the 5K run team I founded), drink your daily recommended water intake, and eat more vegetables and fruits. I shared this information with various colleagues who became involved and got on board with this 'Cycle for Success'.
In August 2013, I ran my first 5K event which led to the creation and circulation of an annual schedule containing monthly 5K events benefiting a wellness cause. Over a four-year period, the ASPIRE 5K run team grew to over 80 members who participated in more than 60 5K events, and accumulated over 200 thousand Vitality points.
Your Holistic Health and Wellness Journey Partner
Hi. My name is Tammi Vaughn, CEO of Itt8ksavillage, LLC. I am a health coach, a Reiki practitioner, and a keynote business and personal motivational speaker.
Mission Statement
My mission is to facilitate positive healthy changes through health coaching, motivational speaking, Camping4Clarity, and Reiki. My role as a coach is to listen, understand, empower my clients, provide information and guidance, help them find the sources of their problems, and to help them formulate strategies that they can use to help themselves. My clients’ achieved harmony and joy are my gratifying success.

Sparked by the success of the ASPIRE 5K run team and focus on better health, these initiatives led to the creation of a Health & Wellness pillar in the African American employee empowerment group where I served on the board as the Communications Officer. Serving also as the Health & Wellness Chairperson, I organized and hosted several highly successful annual Health & Wellness fairs featuring vendors in close proximity of the hosting McKesson office location.
Organizational realignment resulted in my departure from McKesson. I stepped out on faith (empowered by my mission) and have packaged the passion, leadership ability, determination, plus over 15 years of management experience, combined with knowledge and skills acquired from Legacy Holistic Health Institute, and life experience to my organization, Itt8ksavillage, LLC.
At ITT8KSAVILLAGE, LLC, the 8 Pillars of Support workshop is a tool that allows Tammi to partner with workshop and retreat participants by providing insight, support, and encouragement while maneuvering through their holistic health and wellness journey.
The 8 Pillars of Support workshop allows clients to perform a holistic examination of each pillar in their life. This introspective analysis enables clients to identify changes that will improve their quality of life. It is during this self-assessment that most clients gain a sense of clarity in their life. After completing this workshop, clients have a solid go-forward plan for success and empowerment. That plan includes the five steps below which are key to setting, tracking, and reaching goals.

STEP 1: NAME ITDetermine goals
STEP 2: CLAIM ITArticulate reason and take ownership of goals
STEP 3: CHAIN ITComplete consecutive days of taking steps to achieve goals
STEP 4: SUSTAIN ITRemain engaged holistically, i.e. mind, body, spirit toward goals
STEP 5: MAINTAIN ITContinue along the path to completion and enjoy the newly created holistic health and wellness practices